There are few things more remarkable than the things that occur in nature. The food chain makes the rules, and when it comes to the food chain, lions are pretty much on top. As apex predators, most lion deaths that occur naturally are the result of lion on lion battles, or else, a hunt gone wrong. Buffalo herds turning on a lioness to save their calf from her claws can end in serious injury or death, while a giraffe hoof to the side of the head can end it all. These things are dangers to lions living in the wild, but no animals hunt lions to eat, making them, top of the food chain!
Ezulwini is in the epicentre of lion activity with 4 prides circulating the area, 2 of which belong to the Olifants West pride. Our photographers have spent a few nights at both Billy’s Lodge and River Lodge, and in only a handful of game drives have met all 13 members of the Olifants West Split pride, plus both pride leaders, and a couple of lionesses from the Olifants West pride. What a mouthful! On one occasion, OW pride leader, Duma, lay in the road and roared into the darkness for all to see, hear, and feel. What a magical moment with one of the lions of the Balule.
In the Greater Kruger, we’ve been keeping track of a number of lion prides including a pride with the white lion gene; a trio of battle-scarred males; a pride of lions along the Klaserie River; a duo of lionesses making it on their own; and the return of a pride that vanished a year ago. Now, new to our lion radar are 2 prides formed from one original pride of the Balule Nature Reserve, known as the Olifants West pride. Two brothers went their separate ways after the death of their leader, Big Boy, and the pride of lionesses split to follow them. This is Duma, he remained in old territory and has led the original OW pride since then.
Brenda Quatember