The Trilogy appear to be staking their claim on the old Ross Pride territory which covers the nThambo Tree Camp and Africa on Foot traverse in the Klaserie Private Nature Reserve. Over the past few months, and in the latter part of 2014, this trio have become a formidable force in “their” reserve. Their presence is more dominant than ever and with the added attraction of the two ex Ross pride females, sightings of the Trilogy are quite common.
Will they join forces with these females? Who knows – only time will tell.
The trials and tribulations of the lions of the Klaserie makes for an interesting tale. Keep reading our lion updates – we will shortly be releasing a concise history of the Trilogy and introduce you to the faces of the Klaserie’s famous coalition.
Below we have a few photos that were taken over the weekend. Here you see the three boys and two of the Ross Pride lionesses.
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