It’s been yet another bumper week in the bush, with the highlights being 1) the sighting of two tiny wild dog pups at their den near Africa on Foot and nThambo Tree Camp; and 2) the sight of a leopard cub with a kill in a tree near Umkumbe Safari Lodge in the Sabi Sand. What can we say? Baby animals get the hearts pounding and the cameras clicking, and everyone walks away a happy camper.
Less cute and cuddly are the buffaloes, which have been moving in their big herds throughout the Klaserie. Their impenetrable stares are always full of suspicion, and one can never quite read their mood. Our suggestion: treat them with caution!
Birds and chameleons come in next with much appreciation, because the bush just would not be complete without its smaller, most beautiful members. From smallest to biggest: elephants are a firm favourite all over Africa. Their pure size and unexpected elegance humbles any audience and creates the biggest memories.
Saving the best for last: our resident lionesses in the Klaserie were seen stalking buffalo (only to turn and run for their lives!), and the mega pride known as Olifants West was seen rough and tumbling around the Balule with Ezulwini Game Lodges. At nDzuti Safari Camp, one of the most unique sightings took our breath away when a leopard was grunted at by a hippo, only to respond with his own call into the darkness… needless to say the hippo kept its mouth shut after that.
Take a look at the Week in Pictures!
Umkumbe Safari Lodge
nThambo Tree Camp
nDzuti Safari Camp
Africa on Foot
Ezulwini Game Lodges
Alison McKenna