Manic Monday is upon us, and the weekend has disappeared as quickly as a pied kingfisher dive bombing its prey. Our Week in Pictures should soften the edges of the somewhat cruel attitude of Monday. Our images will soothe, beguile and enchant your senses, making you forget about your cascading workload. And if you aren’t bogged down by Monday, these safari videos and images will only add to your Monday serenity. Our safari destinations span the sprawling thickets of the Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve, the remote Great Karoo in the Western Cape, and the game-rich marshlands and Kalahari scenes of Botswana.
First up we have Ezulwini Game Lodges in the Balule Nature Reserve. The reserve is rife with big cat sightings, and the Kudyela lionesses certainly aren’t shy to show off the recent litter of cubs sired by the dominant Machaton male lions. In terms of leopards, the Nkanyi female was spotted relaxing in the fork of a Marula tree in the dark of night. Ezulwini have also resumed delivery of images of their camera trap tales, which we will be sharing at a later stage.
We move from the Balule and travel across to the neighbouring Klaserie Private Nature Reserve where we celebrate the ample leopard sightings. During the course of the week Rogan worked tirelessly at producing the leopard video clips of the saga that unfolded on Mother’s Day among three generations of leopard. Guide from nThambo, Elmar Van Niekerk, managed to photograph a rare sighting of Ross Dam’s cub straddling a tree.
We traverse from Klaserie to the Timbavati Nature Reserve where we, once again, celebrate the daily happenings of Walkers Bush Villa.
Close to the Balule Nature Reserve is the Maseke Game Reserve, which has also enjoyed a number of lion sightings this past week. The Pannetjie Pride is a new pride to us, and comprises 5 cubs and 1 lioness. They made-up a number of Chacma’s lion sightings last week together with sightings of the Maseke males.
We travel down south from the Klaserie, Balule, Maseke and Timbavati and head into the premier Sabi Sand region. Guide Geoffrey Haslam reported that last week produced a plethora of wild dog sightings, which makes sense given that it’s their sedentary denning period. A highlight was the sighting was that of the lone cheetah!
Scenes from RAW Botswana, Motswiri Camp and Xobega Island Camp – our waterlogged paradise!
We travel back across borders from Botswana and travel down from Kruger to the remote Roam Private Game Reserve in the Great Karoo, and experience some of the most sweeping views of untouched semi-desert landscapes.