The Klaserie is a fantastic spot for leopard sightings at the moment, and it’s not only adult leopards the guests at nThambo Tree Camp are seeing, but leopard cubs too! Currently, the Ross Dam female and the newly named White Rock female both have growing cubs, and just this morning, our guests got a glimpse of a youngster feeding on a kill. Last week, Mike from Africa on Foot, captured the brief moment Ross Dam’s male cub made an appearance, and it looks like the youngster seen this morning is the same one. The video clip show’s last week’s glimpse of Ross Dam and cub, while the photos shown here are of this morning’s sighting.
Last night, guests watched an unknown male leopard for a short while, as he slinked through the darkness, and then this morning’s drive resulted in even more leopard activity. Luan’s expert tracking skills quickly led to a sighting of a female leopard and cub on the move! After losing them briefly, Luan rediscovered them at a fresh kill in the deep thicket. The young cub was feeding eagerly on the duiker kill, and Luan was quick enough to snap a few photos before the cats moved out of sight.
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