Warick Wrede, one of the managers of nThambo Tree Camp, furnished us with a sightings update from the Klaserie. In his post below, he reminds us of the Vuyela’s history[…]
Situated on the edge of a gorge in Zambia, is the inimitable Taita Falcon Lodge. Taita’s claim-to-fame is its mesmerising views of the famous Bakota Gorge and its dramatic surroundings.[…]
Over the past year, our frequency of blog posts took a nosedive. But now we’re back, and we owe everyone a bulk load of updates from the camps and destinations[…]
Now is the perfect time for South Africans and SADC residents to take advantage of the myriad of safari specials on offer from Sun Destinations. Just because we’ve lowered our[…]
It’s the start of Sun Destinations #AfricaTravelTuesdays and we’re excited to launch our very first guest feature in the form of a visual safari blog, provided by UK photographer Meg[…]
Roaming photographer and videogapher, Teagan Cunniffe, was recently on assignment at Roam Private Game Reserve. She caught up with the team from Roam, and documented the darting and GPS collaring[…]
The bustling hubs of city centres are in a comatose state. Industry has come to a stand still and human beings have retreated into their enclaves to comply with government[…]
Governments around the world are imposing stringent measures to stem the spread of the coronavirus. The travel industry is facing many challenges when it comes to this global pandemic. Communities[…]
This week we’re celebrating Women’s Day by showcasing our female photographers’ images of the wild. The bushveld is rife with powerful females paving the way for the younger generations. Elephants[…]
For travellers looking to induce some travel envy on their Instagram timelines, nothing beats the African bush. At Chacma Bush Camp in the Greater Kruger there are five particularly Insta-worthy[…]