Christian and the team at Ezulwini Game Lodges strategically placed camera traps in high “wildlife” traffic areas close to the lodge. The results are always astounding, if not amusing. Over the past few months we’ve revealed a few stills from the camera traps, with astounding footage emerging from a bustling waterhole on our traverse. We shared the information and images pertaining to that period of time, and now we have a new slew of images from a camera trap placed in a high human traffic area!
After the delights from the waterhole camera trap, we carefully placed a camera in the pathway leading towards the entrance of Ezulwini Billy’s Lodge. Once again, we enjoyed a motley collection of sightings, a favourite being that of the elusive leopard. But before we analyse that sighting, let’s look at the species that revealed themselves in our hidden camera show.
There’s a civet – a large black and white stripe creature with a black fur mantel. Then there’s the large spotted genet cat, that could be confused for a civet if visibility isn’t great and it’s a fleeting sighting. The spotted genet is a solitary species that thrives on a diet of insects, amphibians and rodents. The civet is largely nocturnal, and much like the genet, live a solitary lifestyle. Both civets and genets will scavenge for food and can be opportunistic omnivores. Perhaps a reason why they were heading into lodge territory.
Then there was the honey badger. An industrious, headstrong and relentless species that fears nothing. Honey badgers are renown for waltzing into lodges after dark and breaking open doors, and fridges to access a free meal. Luckily, our lodge is well locked and guarded ! We weren’t surprised to see the badger at play. The diurnal species included a small duiker, sounder of warthog and a surprised scrub hare.
With so much activity of the smaller species around the periphery of the lodge, we’re not surprised one of our resident leopards came sniffing around. An abundance of prey will attract the master stalkers and predators of the bushveld, and this is exactly what happened with this leopard. Leopards will use the cover of darkness to patrol their turf and conduct expertly crafted hunts. Our local legend is the aqua marine eyed Chavaluthu, and although it’s tricky to sex the leopard in this image, judging from the slender frame it could well be one our graceful leopardesses.
Needless to say, the camera trap has revealed yet another bunch of surprises ! Keep reading our blog to get more #CameraTrapTales.
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