Mike and Fiona Clark are regular guests at both nThambo Tree Camp and Africa on Foot camp. They are avid wildlife enthusiasts and love nothing more than to send us blog updates about their daily life at while at camp. While they’re out tracking the Big Five I am sitting in an office behind a computer – I would far rather be walking with wildlife in the Kruger !
Here is their first hand account of day 1 at the camps:
“Hello again everyone. Yes we are back here at nThambo and Africa on Foot. The weather when we arrived was sunny and hot, but there was a lot of rain. Our first game drive would have been better in a boat to start with – there was a lot of water on the roads! However, we did get to see some nice relaxed white rhino at one of the dams. They let us get close to them and watch them graze – and luckily we didn’t get the Land Rover stuck! We stopped for sundowners and got some nice photos of a giraffe at sunset.
This morning we were woken up to the roar of lions, and the hunt to find them was on. After much driving (following more roaring) we finally found them doing what lions do best – sleeping in the road. There were 5 lions from the Ross pride – 3 females and the 2 males. We could hear roaring in the distance from the remainder of the pride, but unfortunately they chose to stay where they were and not join the rest of the pride. One of the male lions finally got up and drank from a puddle right in front of the vehicle (we were right by a dam full of clean water, so why he chose a dirty puddle is anyone’s guess!). After he drank the puddle dry he returned to rest. We left them all there, sleeping behind some bushes, hoping that they would still be there later for our evening game drive.
Back at camp we sat down for a hearty breakfast at nThambo. The breakfast area overlooks the bushveld. While we were eating we saw movement in the distance – 2 saddle billed storks walked right in front of the lodge. How nice to see these rare birds thriving in the Klaserie. The weather at the moment is a little cloudy and humid so fingers crossed the rain will stay away and the roads can dry a little. We’ll keep you posted”

Sundowners with guests and rangers. Our normal spot at the dam ! Image taken by Mike and Fiona Clark