Just less than a week ago two tawny bundles of fluff bumbled their way out of the thickets and into the open, surprising both guests and rangers. Observing two adorable lion cubs making a cameo appearance was certainly a highlight of the week. Cubs appear to be in good condition and they’re displaying the typical bravado of most toddlers. The cubs belong to one of the Ross pride breakaway lionesses and we believe that one of the Trilogy sired the cubs. Guests were delighted with the playful interaction between the cubs and their mother.
It’s been a whirlwind of baby activity at Africa on Foot and nThambo Tree Camp. In addition to the incredible cub sighting, guests managed to see a shy porcupette exploring its surrounds. Both the porcupettes and lion cubs have been braving unknown territory and, unbeknown to them, we’ve been watching their antics! Animal babies are cute, clumsy, naive and innocent – this is what they all have in common but they differ vastly in physical ability when born.
Here are 5 differences between porcupettes and lion cubs:
Pocupettes are born with their eyes open. Lion cubs are born with their eyes closed. Porcupine parents raise porcupettes together. The mother lioness is the only one who stays with the cubs. She only introduces them to the pride when they are older and less vulnerable. Sub-adult porcupines will leave the parents after a couple of months and lead a solitary life. Sub-adult lions will stay within a pride. There are normally between two and four lion cubs in a litter and two porcupettes in a litter. Porcupines forage alone when they need food. Adults will teach porcupettes how to forage but they are own their own when they reach 5 months. Lions hunt together with the pride.
Nothing more heartwarming than a few new additions to the Klaserie to turn heads. Hope you enjoy the images as much as we enjoyed the sightings.
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