Two weeks ago guests from Umkumbe Safari Lodge witnessed an incredible leopard event that we’ve jotted as “one for the books”. White Dam and her two cubs killed an impala. Despite their innate hunting skills and finely tuned stalking methods, leopards often prove to be an easy target for pesky hyenas! In this instance, a giggling hyena stole the kill from White Dam and her family. However, a leopard never gives up and is relentless in its quest to hang onto its hard-earned meal. White Dam’s son, the fearless of the two cubs, stole the kill back from the hyenas and scurried up a tree to hide his family’s dinner. The sighting proved to be quite a comedy of errors.
It is rumoured that Umkumbe’s favourite male leopard, Mxabene, sired White Dam’s cubs. October last year we saw White Dam and Mxabene mating right outside the lodge. Perhaps this is where the male cub inherited his hunting prowess.
White Dam is out of the picture now that Mxabene has another female admirer. It appears that the leopardess and her cubs have moved further south of the property. We do know that leopards are solitary creatures and go to great lengths to avoid each other. White Dam probably sensed there was a third party and vacated the area. A leopardess who we don’t see often – Warthog Wallow. She’s been stalking Mxabene, making it clear she wants to mate. Mxabene has been seen patrolling his territory and it appears Warthog Wallow was in hot pursuit of this eligible leopard. Warthog Wallow is normally seen on Sabi Sabi but crossed over because of Mxabene. Both leopards were caught mating right in front of the lodge but not before they were spotted attempting to take down a rather succulent bush buck. What a fantastic dinner date for this pair.
Will we see cubs in the not to distant future? You just never know with the leopards of Sabi Sand!
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