We always encourage our guests to share their safari experiences with us, and seeing as we are such fans of wildlife photography (mainly lions, just saying!) we look forward to seeing what you capture during your stay at our camps! Lenise Calleja was a recent guest at nThambo Tree Camp in the Klaserie Private Nature Reserve for her honeymoon, and she has compared her experience to something out of Nat Geo or Animal Planet! Read about Lenise’s fantastic time on safari and take a look at the stunning images she captured during her stay.
Going on safari was surely the most life changing experience I ever had. When planning our honeymoon my husband and I immediately thought of going to Africa, as we wanted something unique and different from the trips we had done before.We can both state that South Africa was the best choice we could have made. This country has plenty to offer, including, but not limited to safaris. Our stay at nThambo Tree Camp was out of this world! Apart from the expertise of the guides and the wonderful food, the thrill of going on the drives and not knowing what you’re going to see that day is absolutely fantastic. We both felt as if we were living in one of those documentaries that you see on National Geographic or Animal Planet.Apart from travelling, my other passion is photography and I could not miss this fantastic opportunity to take some wildlife shots and I must say that I am quite happy with the results. The variety of wildlife in the area is incredible and I could not believe my eyes when I was seeing wild animals at such a close distance. When I look back at this experience, the only thing I can think of is that going on safari was the most incredible experience of my life and I hope that I will be lucky enough to do it again.
Check out links to Lenise’s Facebook page and her photography website here:
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