When it comes to siesta time, leopards tend to seek out elevated areas providing sweeping views of the surrounding wilderness. This height advantage means they are in the ideal position to eagerly scan the ‘veld for potential prey; and it keeps them out of harm’s way. A leopard generally relaxes at the top of a termite mound, or the fork of a tree. Not our leopard princess Nyeleti. This princess decided that the perfect spot for a siesta was in the doorway of an open canvas tent resting on a wooden balcony, which is actually the Buffel Dam treehouse – a raised hide overlooking the wilderness. Nyeleti moved from the comfort of a termite mound (see photos) to the treehouse in order to step up the luxury a bit.
Guests from nThambo Tree Camp and Africa on Foot were taken to this spot on the Africa on Foot traverse to observe the ultimate in Klaserie leopard laziness. The Klaserie is heaving with leopard sightings at the moment, and as each month passes by we notice a marked increase in sightings. A few days ago, head guide Mauritz reported a sighting of 5 leopards sharing a kill. The number of Klaserie leopard sightings is quite remarkable!
Leopards are opportunistic, so we’re not surprised our princess found THE best spot to relax. One of our guides, Elmar Van Niekerk, was quick to photograph this memorable moment.
We trust you’ll enjoy these images of a leopard dominating her turf in the Klaserie.
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