Solid gold could describe the rich ambers and apricots of the sunsets and the sunrises of the bush, or the immeasurable value of the safari offerings in the secret corners of[…]
We are in the quarter-year holiday phase (already!) and it looks like the bush is in as high spirits as we are about it. The long Easter weekend produced some[…]
This morning’s safari at nThambo Tree Camp was one for the books. We consider ourselves lucky every time we see a leopard, as they are the most elusive member of[…]
With the twelfth month of the year officially underway, we can look back on the past year’s transition from drought and devastation to a blossoming Garden of Eden. The bush[…]
First of all, happy Friday one and all! It’s already a good day, and can only be made better by this long list of some of the best wildlife photography[…]
It’s been a week of merciful drizzle so far in the Klaserie, and this morning as Africa on Foot set out on an award-winning walking safari, nThambo Tree Camp guests[…]
She lives and breathes through the earth, the rivers, the sky, and the sun. The wind is her whisper, and the trees are her limbs, reaching out to hold us[…]
We’ve spent the week cruising through the waterways of the Delta, bumbling over the rocky terrain of the Balule Nature Reserve, accelerated through the thick sand of Botswana, and sailed[…]
Em Gatland has a unique way of looking at the wild world around her and her unwavering passion shines through in the work she produces. Em’s photos reflect the true spirit of[…]