The Week in Pictures has been in hibernation for the past two weeks, but now it’s time to emerge. The past couple of weeks we’ve enjoyed sightings of a few of Africa’s iconic species, with the lions and leopards in the spotlight yet again. Today we’re going to kick-back, relax and enjoy a few of our favourite images from our creative photographers. The cats bring plenty of fluff and fur to our images, and the water-loving beasts bring plenty of dewy textures to our images. We trust you’ll enjoy this batch of images designed to bring on a few of those Friday feels!
First off, we’d like to give you a brief recap before you scroll down to the stream of images. Our Klaserie Camps enjoyed a few consecutive days of cheetah sightings, and a once off sighting of the lone “tree-climbing” lioness.
Umkumbe spotted the heavyset Nweti leopard just relaxing and enjoying his turf, and enjoyed a unique sighting of a genet tucking into a rodent. There were also a few sightings of the Ntsumi female leopard and newborn cub.
Chacma Bush Camp have enjoyed an influx of elephant sightings and at one stage the herds interrupted a sundowner stop.
The Kudyela cubs continue to provide the emotive and expressive “ahhhh” moments from visitors to Ezulwini Game Lodges.
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