Governments around the world are imposing stringent measures to stem the spread of the coronavirus. The travel industry is facing many challenges when it comes to this global pandemic. Communities are thwarting large events, and choosing to self-isolate to prevent further escalation of this worldwide pandemic. Today it’s our job to provide fodder for your armchair travelling – although confined, you can still let your mind wander. For this week’s “Week in Pictures” we’ve decided to provide visual inspiration and encourage you to start plotting your next safari to Africa. Your grand plans to see the big 5 might not come to fruition within the next couple of months; but you can use this time to start plotting and planning your safari to Africa in the upcoming months or 2021.
These are 4 of our favourite highlights to emerge from our Kruger camps:
- Africa on Foot and nThambo Tree Camp have seen the Vuyelas for 5 consecutive days in a row.
- African wild dogs trotting down the road and in other sightings in the Klaserie.
- Nsala Safari Camp watched a lioness relocating her newborn cubs.
- Walkers Bush Villa enjoyed a unique sighting of a scuffle between the Black Dam male lion and his sons.
Here are a few images to ogle over during your period of isolation. Keep updated by checking our Facebook page – it’s our aim to keep you occupied and inspired.
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