This “Week in Pictures” we’ve decided to source the images from the week that offer up a kaleidoscope of colours. The winter season is here and the ‘veld has taken a turn towards the brown colours and left the hues of greens behind. We thought we’d inject a bit of colour into your week and focus on delivering a series of bold images coupled with a few highlights from camps.
Xobega Island Camp and Tuskers Bush Camp
Photographer Em’s recent sojourn to the wild lands of Botswana saw her exploring the myriad of waterways of the Okavango Delta, and the arid Kalahari type scrub of the Kwatale Conservancy. These regions are home to two of our camps, (Xobega Island Camp and Tuskers Bush Camp) and offer contrasting scenes laden with wildlife. Sightings from the week produced the stock standard sightings synonymous with a safari in Botswana. Exceptional night skies coupled with high concentrations of elephants, hippos, crocs, wading birds and birds of prey made up the bulk of the weekly Botswana sightings.
Chacma Bush Camp in the Maseke Game Reserve
The Maseke have enjoyed prolific big cat sightings over the past few weeks and last week was no different. A couple of nights ago, the Archie Pride were spotted in the northern reaches of Chacma’s traverse. Yet again, the lion sightings proved to be the highlight of the week. The abundant elephant herds trampling through the Maseke also deserve a mention. Seems the herds are constantly on the move in search of water, which makes sense given that the winter season is upon us.
Africa on Foot and nThambo Tree Camp in the Klaserie Private Nature Reserve
Guides at the Klaserie Camps have enjoyed two prominent sightings that are worthy of mentioning. The first sighting was that of the African wild dogs feasting on an impala kill. The second sighting was brutal and certainly evoked plenty of emotion with guests on the game viewer. A very powerful male leopard took down a warthog – and guests witnessed the execution of the kill. the squealing cries for help were an assault on the senses, but in the end the leopard ended up with meaty meal. The circle of life in the wild is vicious!
Ezulwini Game Lodges in the Balule Nature Reserve
The team at Ezulwini always delight guests with their lion sightings. This past week was no different, with yet another sighting of the Machaton males and Kudyela lionesses keeping company. The bird life is incredible at the moment, and the lodge is enjoying sightings of anything from owls to sunbirds and even waders. Elephants continue to make-up the numbers when it comes to game viewing. The highlight of the week was spotting a huge herd of buffalo in close quarters to River Lodge. All in all, not a bad week of wildlife sightings in the Balule Nature Reserve.
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