With such a diverse range of camps in various areas of pristine wilderness, its not surprising that the photography coming out of these areas each week is reliably great. The Okavango Delta, Chobe National Park, the Sabi Sand, and the Klaserie Private Nature Reserve have produced some fantastic footage lately, and photographers Em Gatland, Kevin MacLaughlin, and Jochen Van de Perre were around to capture some special moments with the beasts and the birds of Southern Africa. Take a look at this edition of the Week in Pictures!
nDzuti Safari Camp, Klaserie Private Nature Reserve, Greater Kruger

A giraffe embrace in black and white by Em Gatland. Taken at nDzuti Safari Camp in the Klaserie, Greater Kruger.

Big dagha-boy with a milky eye joining the action at the mud wallow at nDzuti. Image by Jochen Van de Perre.

A huge herd of elephants occupy the banks of the Klaserie River near nDzuti Safari Camp. Image by Jochen Van de Perre.
nThambo Tree Camp, Klaserie Private Nature Reserve, Greater Kruger

A grey heron chases an African spoonbill out of its spot in Jason’s Dam near nThambo. Image by Em Gatland.
Africa on Foot, Klaserie Private Nature Reserve, Greater Kruger
Umkumbe Safari Lodge, Sabi Sand Wildtuin, Greater Kruger
Camp Savuti, Savute Marsh, Chobe National Park
Camp Linyanti, Linyanti Swamps, Chobe National Park
Afrika Ecco Mobile Safaris, Okavango Delta
Mapula Lodge, Okavango Delta

Action shot as the lion rose from the sun-drenched airstrip in search of a shady spot to rest. Image by Chloe Cooper.
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