Northern Botswana has received its first big rains, which were dealt generously over the Kwatale Conservancy where Tuskers Bush Camp is located. Cracked pans bore old hoof imprints, which had hardened and become fossilised. Giant indentations in old mud wallows lay frozen in time, revealing the footprints of the last elephant to have enjoyed its moisture before it, too, hardened and cracked. The intense heat of summer in Botswana was eventually broken when the sound of relief pitter-pattered on the sandy earth. Harder, and more loudly, the rain began to fall, drenching the bush, and filling the pans with a layer of liquid life. Overnight, the environment came alive; leaves looked more vibrantly green; birds admired their reflections in pools of water; browsers emerged to feast on the dew-laden produce. Captured in this week’s Week in Pictures are a handful of wet season images, portraying the beauty that comes with a bit of rain!
The Kruger Park is abuzz with holiday-makers, living out their safari vacation dreams; sunblock-covered kids and bird books in tow. This South African destination represents the ultimate in wildlife travel – its vast landscapes are patrolled by the greatest mammals on earth, and the rivers’ most feared beasts. Slinky cats, artistically rosetted with nature’s paintbrush, beautifully plumed creatures of the sky, and grand antelope with elegant headdresses await. Capturing the best moments of the week, our photographers have put together a spirited collection of the Week in Pictures: We’re All Going on a Summer Holiday!
Tuskers Bush Camp, Kwatale Conservancy, Northern Botswana
Ezulwini Game Lodges, Balule Nature Reserve, Greater Kruger
Umkumbe Safari Lodge, Sabi Sand Wildtuin, Greater Kruger Park
Africa on Foot, Klaserie Private Nature Reserve, Greater Kruger
nThambo Tree Camp, Klaserie Private Nature Reserve, Greater Kruger
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