Even as they lie sleeping, the vision of this fierce coalition is intimidating. The dominant male lions in this territory have made their mark, and any wandering lions from the Kruger Park would be foolish to take them on.
nThambo Tree Camp and Africa on Foot are spoilt rotten with sightings of the Trilogy males, but they are seldom seen together. Since they settled in as the leading lions around town, they often spend time apart, sewing their wild oats and defending their territory. Under their reign fall the Ross Breakaway lionesses and Hercules Pride, and they’ve even dabbled in the Giraffe Pride mating with both white lionesses and a tawny lioness. Four Hercules cubs are growing up nicely, and now 2 Ross Breakaway cubs have joined the scene, only increasing the Trilogy gene pool!
Recently we saw 2 Trilogy males feasting on a buffalo kill they stole from the RB lionesses, and before that they growled and snarled at the old Ross lioness as she tried to get in on their meal. Passed sightings of one or two Trilogy males have included feasting, mating, sleeping, and snapping at flies, but it has been a good few weeks since we’ve glimpsed the almighty coalition as a whole.
This morning, Isaak and Matt took to the ground on foot in pursuit of the male lions they had been tracking. And after some bundu bashing, they drove their guests in to view the trio sleeping alongside each other. As they lay peacefully, their golden eyes were trained on the movement in the vehicle, and every so often guests saw a head rise and those eyes shift to the vultures that were circling overhead.
The RB lionesses are currently on a buffalo kill with the cubs, which could be where the vultures were aiming to land. Wouldn’t it be nice if the big Trilogy boys followed the vultures to the kill site, and we could see the whole family together? Holding thumbs…
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