The Ross Breakaway lion cubs are quite the sensation around Africa on Foot and nThambo Tree Camp. After a few days of quiet concern for the cubs’ wellbeing, the two 6-week olds have been having a whale of a time playing together out in the open.
The two lionesses are so habituated to the game viewers that we can enjoy some exceptional, up-close sightings of them when they are on the hunt, or feeding, or merely relaxing together. Now their cubs are picking up on the same relaxed behaviour, which means the guests at Africa on Foot and nThambo are being treated to some of the most precious moments with wild lion cubs during their safari.
From the beginning we have witnessed the mother lioness carry her tiny babies to a safe spot, then we watched nervously as one cub nearly got stampeded by an angry buffalo, after that the cubs were separated and for a couple of days we hoped they would be reunited. Now, the last week has presented some of the best moments with the cubs and their mom and ‘aunt’.
Watch this video of one curious little cub takes on the fluffy end of a lioness’ tail. This lioness is not his mother, and she doesn’t have to put up with his pesky interruptions, so she swiftly gets up and moves away. He will learn soon enough!
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