Big cat predators, weary old dagga bulls and carefree jumbos have been in the spotlight this week. Our graceful cat, the leopard, remains unfazed and elusive, presenting us with only a vague cameo appearance. Three out of the big five have been fighting for the limelight – lions, buffalo and elephant sightings have been in rich supply. And they certainly haven’t shied away from the camera.
Huge herds of elephant were caught stampeding down to the main dam. It appears the nDzuti traverse has become a haven for elephants. Should we rename the area to “Land of Giants”? It certainly is fitting for this time of year. There is nothing more heartwarming than observing the antics of jumbo while they interact with each another.
The old buffalo bulls (Dagga boys) have been spotted hanging around the outskirts of camp. Dagga boys are lone bulls who have been ousted from the herd. They are past their prime and spend most of their days wallowing in pools of mud.
nThambo Tree Camp and Africa on Foot
nThambo Tree Camp and Africa on Foot have enjoyed incredible big cat sightings. Our majestic leopard has been spotted three times during the course of the week. Guests caught a fleeting glance of a young male gently making his way through the thicket and down to the closest available water source. During the night his calls were heard and tracks were spotted. There is another female in the area. Hopefully we’ll see a bundle of leopard cubs in the near future!
Perhaps the most incredible sightings this week have been that of the Trilogy and Ross pride lions. A lone Trilogy male was caught relaxing in the depths of the Mopane trees. He seemed quite restless and defensive. One of the other Trilogy males was seen mating with a Ross pride breakaway female on more than one occasion. The pregnant Ross pride breakaway female has just given birth to cubs who are now a week old. She was seen moving the cubs to an area of safety – probably to a drainage line. The older female who was last seen with the Ross pride breakaway females has since been seen mingling with the old Ross pride, which brings their numbers up to 6 pride members. This past week guests at both camps enjoyed a variety of lion pride sightings.
Happy Friday – enjoy the week in pictures.
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