It’s not as if we’ve been creeping around in silence, trying to catch them out. We’ve been trundling around in 4×4 Land Rovers with chatty, happy guests, weaving in and out of the beautiful traverse of the Sabi Sand Wildtuin and the Klaserie Private Nature Reserve. But funnily enough we seem to have caught these animals in the middle of their own displays of dominance, courtship, play, and even a bit of nose picking. Perhaps we are all just so comfortable with each other that everyone feels at home. The wildlife surrounding Africa on Foot, nThambo Tree Camp, nDzuti Safari Camp, and Umkumbe Safari Lodge are so accustomed to the addition of of a couple of game viewers during designated game drive time, that they carry on unperturbed.
Enjoy these fantastic snaps taken by guides and photographers at the respective lodges, all of whom caught their subjects just in the middle of whatever it was they were doing.

OK so maybe we were creeping around a little bit in this one… Africa on Foot photographers sent in a beetle cam courtesy of Herco van Houdt while these 2 lions were mating!

Mom and baby white rhino were caught with their mouths full as nThambo Tree Camp guests drove passed. Is that a lilac-breasted roller peering down in the background? Busted.

The Sparta Pride was seen at Umkumbe chasing buffalo… and then they lost all bravery and ran for the hills when the buffalo put up a fight! This is them tripping over one another in a hasty retreat.

We’ve seen a lot of lion teeth lately at Africa on Foot and nThambo Tree Camp, and here again this Trilogy male was caught snacking on the flies buzzing around his head.

These 2 just went on and on like this. Passionate exchanges and flirty behaviour were the least of it – we saw everything!

This might have been the catch of the week! A very rarely seen cheetah mom with 3 cubs in tow caught out in the open as they crossed the road and drank from a puddle.
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