Our human desire to seek inspiration is neverending. We find inspiration in people, in hobbies, in smells, sights, sounds, and tastes, and we certainly find inspiration in nature. The great outdoors hold some of the greatest and most natural beauty of this earth, and when it is left to its own devices, it comes across as even more magnetic and inspiring. We watch the world of wildlife exist, acting on instinct, and living and dying according to the law of survival of the fittest. Whenever we want to feel rejuvenated, refreshed, centred, calm, positive, inspired, we look to nature, and we are never disappointed. We are so enthralled by the natural world that we try to capture moments in time, freeze-framing them in photos, or duplicating them on film. Then, we share those captures with the world, and deliver our recycled source of inspiration, artistically reworked, injected with our own energy. Here is our weekly supply of nature’s best – the photographic representations of the top moments of the week on safari… This is the Week in Pictures: Nature’s Inspiration.
nThambo Tree Camp, Klaserie Private Nature Reserve, Greater Kruger
Africa on Foot, Klaserie Private Nature Reserve, Greater Kruger
Ezulwini Game Lodges, Balule Nature Reserve, Greater Kruger
Tuskers Bush Camp, Kwatale Conservancy, Northern Botswana
Umkumbe Safari Lodge, Sabi Sand Wildtuin, Greater Kruger Park
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